Reingeniería de Partes y Conjuntos


Reengineering of Parts and Assemblies

Oriented to evaluate the concept and rating of kinematic system mechanical components

Servicio de Diagnóstico


Diagnosis Service

Oriented to evaluate the condition of speed reducer and increaser gearboxes, semi enclosed cylindrical gear pairs and trios

Pericias Técnicas de Averías


Failures Expertise

Aimed to determine the failure cause of gears and mechanical drives

Controles y Reparaciones in situ


On Site Checking and Repairs

Offered to heavy and big transmissions that cannot be carried out to a workshop

Seguimiento de Fabricación y Control de Calidad


Manufacturing Supervision and Quality Control

Aimed to assure the parts manufacturing in accordance with Detail Engineering and/or Technical Specification requirements

Reglajes y Puesta en Marcha de Accionamientos


Gear Drives Assembling, Aligning and Starting Up

Oriented to optimize the operation reliability

Cursos de capacitación


Training Courses

The goal is in accordance with an easy understanding and practical application